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An estimated 201 million people in 134 countries needed international humanitarianassistance in 2017, a fifth of whom were in just three countries – Syria, Yemen and Turkey.A small number of complex crises continue to absorb the majority of humanitarianassistance – 60% of all assistance was channelled to 10 countries only, with 14% goingto Syria, the largest recipient, and 8% to Yemen, the second-largest.Conflict continues to feature as a main contributor to humanitarian need. Syria wasthe single largest recipient of humanitarian assistance for the fifth consecutive year,while Greece and Turkey featured among the 10 largest recipients of internationalhumanitarian assistance for the first time.A complex dynamic between poverty, environmental vulnerability and fragilitycontinues to affect significant numbers of poor people. Of the 753 million peopleliving in extreme poverty, 59% were living in countries affected by either fragility,environmental vulnerability or both. While some countries have shown improvedcapacity to cope with shocks, the lack of subnational data masks significant localvariations in community resilience.International humanitarian assistance remains a critical resource to meet theneeds of people affected by crisis, and 2017 saw a record US$27.3 billion allocatedto humanitarian responses. Yet the slowed growth in 2016 continued into 2017, witha 3% increase for the second consecutive year. A growth of just 1.4% from governmentsand EU institutions was offset by an increase of 9% in estimated contributions fromprivate donors in 2017.